Why bad things happen to good people?

Breath-taking situations happen to every creation that has life. In particular, humans get extremely depressed because they believe in a very large concept called ‘karma’. Karma has different names in different belief systems. It eventually means – If you do good, the good will come back to you and if you do bad then, you get back the bad thing at later stages of life. However, if you record all the events of your life, the calculation of karma is undoubtedly erroneous.

Karma, being the most believed, taught, sown perspective of most of the people, the statistics of your own life puts a question over the authenticity of the karmic facts.

So, ‘why should the good ones suffer?’ you may ask. First, it is extremely fictional to tag one as good or bad. According to me, I might be a good person. But, to someone who would have been directly or indirectly affected by my careless behaviour, would judge me as a bad person. So, here is again a question of authenticity about the principle of good person and bad person.

Suffering is a natural phenomenon. It exists in every being in different forms. It can be emotional, financial, physical or any undefinable class of pain. But, can we take a moment to realise that the world around us and the mind inside of us hypes and proliferates the problem to a larger extent than it actually is, while there exists solutions or at least alternatives, that could deconstruct all the pain we hold on to?

That’s where we miss out! That’s when an individual’s seclusional thinking is super-essential. Beyond all your past experiences, future fears and the classic belief of suffering fed by society, come on..you got to THINK!

Think what best suits for you. Find out ways that can get you out of the trap, at least temporarily. Realise that it’s going to be painful, extremely painful but only until you get through the situation. It’s going to last only for a while. Think for what is the next baby-step you ought to take towards your progress. That’s where you define yourself – not as good or bad, but as strong or weak!

People suffer irrespective of being good or bad. But what really matters is how strong are you to face the pain? It’s all about your mental strength to train your heart and body to get through the situation. It’s not going to be easy, but tying to be strong is definitely worth it. Hope you are strong too!

‘Depression’ is beautiful

There is a beautiful word called ‘depression’ that is quite trending among most people in the recent years. ‘Why do you call a depression beautiful?’, you may ask. Here’s what I want you to do before you get to know the answer.Screw the concept that your heart is a glass. For years, our minds have conceived the idea that our hearts are fragile like a glass and once it gets broken, it’s hard to get it mended again.

Why not consider your heart as a clay in a child’s hand? And that child is you?Yes, right from your childhood, you have this handful of clay that you can shape into anything you imagine. As a child, your parents teach you how to handle it. They influence most of your emotions. Until you have this handled along with them, there is security and control.

As you grow up, the influence of your parents reduce and you wanted to handle things on your own.The initial stages of this self experiment pushes you into bullies, heartbreaks and weakness.Let’s call it categories sorted by how people handle the clay-hearts individually.The first set is smart enough to handle things on their own, manage to refine their thinking and try to re-mould the clay-heart.

The second set is good enough to ask for help from parents and friends to mould their emotions right.The third set is the glass-heart believers who think that their hearts can never be mended and sink into a so-called ocean of sadness. They get approved that their lives are terrible by the negative ones around them.

The final set is the over-confident ones that make their emotions a hard rock or the most clumsy one, and starts affecting the people around in their lives. Most of the ‘broken’ ones are fall into the last two categories. However, they might get a chance to rethink and change in the course of their lifetime.In conclusion, it is natural that we have our ups and downs at every stage of our lives.

And why I called depression beautiful is, that’s the start of a newer version of you.This point helps you stop and look back where you’ve missed in taking your life on track. Shout out to yourself that you get to consciously figure out that you still have control over your life and it is possible to change.Yes, that’s a beautiful point where most happy and consciously clear personalities in this world have changed their lives from pain to glory.Everytime you feel weak, consider giving your heart and it’s emotions a soft touch, remove the unwanted and use your mind to get the best shape for your heart. Believe me, that’s when you start seeing the masterpiece versions of your emotions.It’s all about how you use your mind to control and shape the emotions of your heart. Wish you get to see the best shapes at each stage of your life.

How much are you loved?

How many times have you cried longing to be loved? You are keen about how much you are loved, particularly by your special ones. On the other hand, are you aware that not everyone is so interested about every layer of your emotional needs ? And no one really has the time to alter their feelings about you to the extent you rawly imagine on your own mind.

We often feel like a loser and the most hateable to our loved ones when we see ourselves as a weak person. We imagine that a friend or a colleague value us less, which, in no way gets counted as a worthy part of their busy day’s thought process.

For instance, you do not deeply judge a person by a mere mistake that happened accidentally. It is just a flash of an information for seconds or minutes after which you resume back to your work. You really don’t spend hours to dig deep into the issue to judge that friend and accuse as the most terrible person on earth. Clearly, others don’t judge you that way too. In reality, they don’t have time for the drama directed by your brain. However, we are wired to imagine a perspective of others that is purely a creative art of our brain, resulting in a deep pain and channelizing negativity to our emotions.

It’s not an easy joke to stabilize our feelings, until we have realised our fullest potential. Just like an Olympic medalist, once a champion we are forever a champion for our brains. Yes, once you surprise your brain with an image of what you are best capable of, it actively starts believing your potential. Right from that point, it commences to prove that your perspective is right. Interestingly, it indulges in humor and happy sequences that keeps you going on with your life, never minding about your beliefs about how others feel about you. This point is where the twin birth of confidence and trust occurs. At this verge, you feel that you are the most loved and respected by your own mind and also by others. Truly, this is when you start trusting yourself subconsciously.

There is an ultimate pleasure in the self-love that starts sprouting from then on. This self love starts engraving blissful happiness in your heart, which subsequently becomes the root cause for millions around you to fall in love with your nature.

Again, it’s a reminder, you are valued according to what you believe as others believe about you.

Fire before you Aim

I used to be in the boat of belief that an extensive preparation before doing the actual task is a smart practice. It was just until my over-loaded confident brain brought to spot-light that something is not really right in the way I work.

While we keep sharpening our axes to make that ONE FINE CUT, time introduces our competitors a shiny loaded pistol.

Has it happened to you? The alarm in your head starting to beep: You almost forgot what exactly the end goal of your task is. And you figure out that the excessive amounts of information that your brain processed has made you lose focus on your target. Looking around, you realize that you are way behind the ones who started the game after you. You are not alone!

The Mind – a never satisfied spouse

Every chunk of information we consume is an absolute shot of dopamine.

When an idea pops at work, the curious dopamine urges us to get more information on it just to deceive us with the concept of clarity. The problem starts when the ‘More’ crosses extents of undefined boundaries. Thanks to the privilege we have, to blame the internet era to keep us constantly distracted! Evidently, the more we dive into knowing more, the AIs (Artificial Intelligence) take us to deeper into nowhere. So, stop the foreplay and start the actual game.

The Art of Starting

“Preparation leads to clarity”, I’d boast. But, It took me a hell load of missed deadlines to intake the classic truth: it’s better to face failure and learn what’s necessary than to muse in my imagination that I’ll never fail when prepared. This bitter-sweet realization eventually made me break-up with my long preparation schedules.

(Ok that’s a break-up pose!)

So here’s what happens, when your relationship with preparations don’t go well:

  • You start to realize that starting a task isn’t that scary as imagined.
  • It’s ok to face the task, fail once, fail again and learn to set standards to the quality of your end results.
  • The first few failures are going to look like crap. Ultimately, those crappy results will teach you the art of crafting your best outcomes.
  • You will start to own the game. Because you know that the n’th time you fail in the task, you’ll fail better.
  • So yes, procrastination will lose it’s part in your work-frame!
  • You’ll start to do things better and faster.
  • You’ll get the fact that it is better to learn in reality than to win in imagination.

Do I advocate for unprepared tasks? A BIG NO! Planning things is a beautiful process. But to be lost in it is never really cute. Plan, Prepare, Act and Fail if needed at the same time so you’ll mold yourself, unveil the finest craftsmanship inside you and set a benchmark of success in your own style.

Failure is an art. It is the crafting tool.

So, Practice.